Friday, February 4, 2011

Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed???

Good freakin' morning. I hate morning work outs. But I have to travel today, go back to my hometown for some work and to see old friends. One of them is getting married and (ta da!) I'm a bridesmaid. So all of this said, I'm up this morning to run. I always always have trouble getting through morning work outs. I probably just psych myself out about them, but I really have trouble getting myself going and motivated when its the AM. ugh.

So I'm caffeinated, fueled, and hoping to get through. Now I have to gear up cause it's freakin' cold out there.

Last night I skipped my swim workout to go to a happy hour. I know, I know, does not sound like a tri-geek idea, but there was a catch. It was my new tri club's happy hour. New for me, not for them. They've been around for a whiiile and they're one of the biggest and best. I'm a newbie there, so I'm excited to meet some new training partner and friends.

Anyway, I would write more, but I have to get out there for this run. (ugh mornings...)


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